Friday, August 10, 2012

Review: Age of Conan

First off, I apologize for not posting as often as I had been in the past or when I say that I will. I'm still kinda adjusting to new things in my life and I'm also working on making rather large changes in my life. Things like settling in with my new job, being in a long-distance relationship, working on buying a house and moving closer to my job... Things like that. It's taking up quite a bit of time out of my day and energy from me, so by the time I can sit down and hammer out reviews, I'm ready to fall asleep, most often. But, I've decided to sit down and write a review, since I owe you guys at least that much.

Also, on a side-note, I'm working on making and implementing a more standardized review layout/template, so don't be surprised if you see some things changing a bit over my next few reviews. I'm trying to find what looks best and what would work for y'all and myself. If you guys have any suggestions/comments/opinions, I'm glad to listen to them. 

Anyway... On with the review!