Thursday, October 25, 2012

Just Some Stuff

Hey guys! This is just a bit of a rambling update, really, to sort of keep y'all in the loop. I know I've been saying that my internet has been really bad in the past couple of reviews and such that I've made, but it's a bit more than that. For the past couple of months, the internet at my house has been beyond sucky. It goes down about 3-5 times on average in the span of five minutes, conveniently right when I need to use it. It typically happens in the evening times (post 6:00) and weekends and lasts until the early morning at the least (when I pass out, anyway, and has been going on as late as 2 AM to my knowledge). In addition, sites are sometimes very slow to load during this time period. I'm living with my parents right now until I can afford to move out on my own, and we have my 1 PC and their 2 Macs. While I'd thought that had been the issue, due to "Apple chatter" and such, we've had this setup for several months before this problem. We are using AT&T internet and they're the only ones available in our area, aside from Comcast, which we've had problems with. Like I said, it's only been like this for about a month or two, and I know that other AT&T users are also having these sort of problems in other areas.

Why should you care? Well, obviously, it's going to affect my MMO playing time which means it'll also affect my reviews. Unfortunately, I don't know how badly it will affect everything. I'm going to try to download Lineage II this weekend (which I'm anxious to play with their newest updates) and see how it goes. Maybe it won't be that bad. Who knows. But I know I lag to hell sometimes when I play Team Fortress 2, sometimes I can't even connect to Steam because I lose connection conveniently right as I'm going to open the damn thing. It's extremely frustrating. And since, as a healer, it's rather essential to have a half-way decent connection in order to do my job, I can't really play MMOs while my internet is like this.

On a completely unrelated note, I've been trying to be active on Twitter and Facebook in order to promote the blog. I feel really obligated to tweet frequently (though half the time I don't really know what to say...) so don't mind me if I seem like I'm just spouting random tweets to get your attention. I have questions for you guys, though, you readers of mine!

How do you guys find me and/or keep up with me? Do you like the tweets and/or Facebook posts? Do you use that more than other means to find out about my latest blog posts? Do you want me to do something different in terms of communications like that? How did you find out about me?

I wanna reach out to you guys and expand my audience (I want to rule the world one reader at a time) so any feedback like that is definitely appreciated. Twitter and FB links are on the side, you can comment below, send an email, etc.. Let me know!

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