Hey guys, LMS here. First of all, I'm sooooooooo sorry for not posting in... what, friggin' four months? Good god. It's been sucky at home, my internet has been crapping out on me so much that I haven't been able to play much of MMOs except for when I visit my boyfriend, which is once every two weeks, for the weekend. Basically, I haven't been able to play MMOs much. I know, I know, it's not much of an excuse.
Also, I know I had said I was going to review Lineage 2 but, honestly.... It makes me cry. For some reason the NCSoft download client just kinda wants to repeatedly kick me in the face because downloading and installing the game hardly ever works for me. And, of course, when I was going to originally sit back and write the review for it, the friggin' game decided it wanted to throw out a download patch. I swear I nearly tore out my hair. Forget the game itself. That's bad in its own right. But trying to be able to PLAY the game was just as bad, if not worse. So, I kinda gave up on reviewing it because it literally gave me headaches when I thought about it.
BUT! There IS an MMO that I had been able to play, because it was browser-based and therefore lighter on my internet. I played it for several weeks, actually. I liked it at first, mostly because it was something new and shiny for browser games, at least in my experience. I then fell out of it because, frankly, I was getting bored. But I recently received an email from them, which was basically "come baaaaaaaaaaaack please! I have shiny things that you'll love! -dangles keys-" so I decided to give it a shot as I have been itching for something new to play that I could, in fact, play in my spare time.
That game? Wartune. Haven't heard of it? If you poke around on Facebook's games, I'm sure you've at least seen advertisements for it. It has gone under several different names but the "official" (I think?) name is Wartune. It's supposedly the, like, "up and coming" browser MMO. My quick summary: It's shiny and new on the outside, but it sucks on the inside. It has great potential, sure, but it falls flat on its face. Hard. Really hard. And here's why.
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logo found on Google, with a URL that makes my eyes bleed when I look at it. |
Game Basics:
Title: WartunePublisher: R2Games
Genre: Action MMO, PvP focus
Website: http://wartune.r2games.com/
Cost: Free to Play, pay for items in shop and extra features (cosmetic features like clothing and hair options, dual talents, alchemy system, and more)
Graphics: 3/5
Character Customization: 1/5
Class Skills, Character Development, etc.: 2/5
Beginning/Tutorial: 2/3
Story, Quests, Content: 2/5
Graphics & Character Customization, etc.
Honestly, when I first played this game, one of the things that irked me was the character customization that the game had. Because there isn't any. Well, no, okay, I lied. You can pay real-life money for items (at a rate of approximately $5 for one piece of cosmetic "gear"), which will give you access to different looks for your character. This is a new feature for Wartune that they recently launched, so don't expect TONS of options to choose from just yet. They have weapon skins, hair options, different clothing, and wings (for whatever the fuck reason.... I guess if you ABSOLUTELY DEMANDED to have butterfly wings or bat wings, congrats, you can now have them?). But, of course, you want your mage to look sluttier than she already had (I didn't know she could, honestly), so super-tiny bikinis and demon wings it is!
So far, in my poking around in-game since this option was released, I haven't seen anyone with any cash shop cosmetics, which I think is a testament to their value and desire. Personally, I'd rather be able to choose my character's hair and skin color than pay to give her a harlot's outfit
Class-Related Things
The game essentially breaks into the triad of classes (warrior, archer, mage) and offers different "types" of combat after you hit level 10 (I think), when you can put talent points into your character for newer and better spells. As a mage, you can be either a DPS boom-stick or a healer, so, naturally, I went with that. I have no idea if the warrior can do this as well. From what I've seen, there's the defensive-tank and the offensive-barbarian in terms of playing style.
For the record, let me clarify: the mage class doesn't offer -much- in the way of healers. Not in the traditional MMO sense, at any rate. You get three healing skills: one which gives you a direct healing spell that targets a single person in your party (the game AI picks the person with the lowest health at the time of the cast), a HPS buff that targets your whole party, and a party-wide direct heal. Also, you get a passive buff that gives you extra "oomph" to your healing abilities and magic defense and a spell that allows you to remove a debuff on your party. Now, I know what you could be thinking. "Hey, that sounds like a pretty staple set of skills for a healer, LMS!" And you'd be right. Except for the fact that the single-target healing spell has a cooldown of 15 seconds, the HPS spell a cooldown of 45 seconds, and the party-wide healing spell a CD Of 60 seconds.
However, I find that coordination isn't always possible. The vast majority of players I've encountered in the game don't speak English and if they do, they don't speak it very well. And most people on the server speak some language that I can't identify, let alone even attempt to speak to them. Or others just don't talk to you at all. I've had people just not respond to me even when I spoke to them using their name. And thus, it gets rather frustrating when those sort of situations occur. Not to mention some people are just complete failures or just expect that if they take too much damage, someone else will heal them. So, my advise if you're going to healer in this game: play smart and try to communicate with your team. It'll be trial and error, sure, to figure out what situations call for which spell, but it's not impossible.
Beginner's Tutorial
There are a few things I don't particularly care for in this game. The first is their cash shop system. The things you can buy in this game for real-life money make it a glaringly obvious "pay-to-win" environment. Throw a few dollars at the game and it gives you the VIP treatment (literally. You get to become a VIP in this game) which basically allows you to get ridiculous advantages over free-to-play players. Don't believe me? Here's a list of the VIP perks if you give the game money, directly from the game's site:• Free Cooldowns – Never pay for a building, levy, technology or duel cooldown again!
• Exclusive Castle Appearance – Stand out from the crowd with a new castle appearance, only available for VIP players!
• VIP Daily Quests – Receive a variety of daily quests just for VIP players, each offering unique and special rewards.
• VIP Weekly Gift Packs – Looking for more gifts and prizes? Receive exclusive weekly gift packs, filled with surprises!
• VIP Tokens – With these tokens, you’ll be able to test your luck with the VIP Wheel, where all sorts of items are up for grabs.
• Bonus EXP – Receive bonus experience battling monsters and by complete campaigns!
• Automatic Check-in – Tired of having to manually check-in everyday? With automatic check-in, you don’t have to worry about that.
• Increased Friend Limit – Is your friend’s list full? Upgrade to VIP 3 or higher and you’ll receive a higher friend’s list capacity.
• Devotion Bonus – Need that extra devotion boost to help you with the Daily Tasks? Earn devotion bonuses each and every day!
• Bonus Kyanite from Plunder – Looking for more motivation to plunder your enemy’s cities? Receive additional Kyanite with every plunder!
• 1-Click Astral Capture – Tired of having to capture all those Astrals? Reach VIP 5 or higher and you’ll be able to capture them all with just one click!
• More Alchemy Attempts – Running low on Gold? Take advantage of these additional Alchemy attempts and exchange your Balens for Gold.
• More Mystery Shop Attempts – Looking for more great deals? Make use of the Mystery Shop with additional attempts!
• Less Honor Loss In-Battle – Lady luck not on your side in-battle? With this benefit, you’ll only lose a fraction of Honor when losing in-battle.
I feel like the game basically says "fuck you" to all F2P players, in a nutshell. |
Another thing I dislike is the user interface. It's very cluttered and there's far too many things around the outside of the game that are very distracting, since they're big and colorful and often flashing or blinking. It feels way too claustrophobic on a smaller monitor, to be honest, and makes me feel like the game is very, very cheap. It's a small, simple complaint, really, but one that I wish the developers would have considered when they made the game in the first place. It's fine to have one or two things aside from the game, especially if you're going to push for your VIP/payment membership BS. That's fine. But don't throw it in my face like it's your cock. Because believe me, the last thing I want is for your dick to go in my eye. That's how diseases and rage-fueled actions are made.
The game also offers a LOT of things to do but you can only do so much in the game. Literally. It only allows you to do a group dungeon 3 times in one day and fight another person in the arena 20 times, among other things. I kid you not. You can only run so many solo dungeons, too (a feature which I do appreciate). I believe you CAN pay for more tries at them, but of course, to do so, you have to pay real-life money for it. I mean, come on! You make the players pay for virtually every single thing you offer and now you're going to cut the amount of time that people can efffectively play your game? It just is poor development on R2Games' part, in my opinion. I've literally had nights where I had to leave the game because I had nothing else to do and couldn't do anything until, like, 4 AM my time.
That's really all I have to say about the game. It's rather mediocre, as far as MMOs go, and you have to basically pay real-life money if you want to get anywhere in the game (or not be insta-owned by those who DO pay for it). Some of the features are nice; the game offers a wide variety of things you can do. However, most of the game is a pay-to-access system and it leaves a severe gap between the pay-to-win players and the free-to-play ones. It takes the fun out of the game, really.
Is it worth your time? Sure, I'd give it a shot. It's a nice time waster. However, I wouldn't invest real-life money into it as it just felt like a waste of my time, honestly. The pay-to-win difference just makes for frustrating times if you try to get anywhere out of the newbie territory and try to get toward "end game" content or engage in PvP. I'd much rather invest my time in a different, better game. Like Guild Wars 2 or TERA or RIFT: Planes of Telara. But then again, there are players who also seem to really enjoy this game. I personally feel it's not much good other than if I needed to kill brain cells or time and I wouldn't try to play it with as much dedication as I have other games. I honestly just beat my head against my desk after a while because others would wipe the floor with my face. Or I'd end up in a fail party. Or I'd just be frustrated in general by the whole "you must pay to truly access this game" scene.
Hopefully I'll be able to play MMOs more often (keyword: "hopefully") but for now, I hope this entertained you. Have any questions, comments, etc.? Feel free to post 'em below or send me an email. Facebook and Twitter links are on the left. I'm always open to feedback, constructive criticism, and suggestions. This is Little Miss Squish, signin' out!
On a side note, I found it funny that when I was looking at meme faces to find appropriate pictures to express my brain, there were Wartune advertisements EVERYWHERE. It's like they knooooooooow. I'm slightly sketched out by that idea. Meme faces were also brought to you by www.memes.at. In case you were wondering where I find them all.
Glad to see your posting again, LMS ^_^
ReplyDeleteGood review overall; sad to hear about the lack of sufficient healing options; the P2W business model is also a deterrent.
Any chance that you can do a review for Game of Thrones: Ascent for Facebook? :-)
Hey man! :D Thanks, your feedback is always appreciated. ^_^ It seems that more and more F2P games are starting to slide into the P2W model which is very, very sad. I can understand a company wanting to make money, but when they fall into that pit, it pisses off more people than it makes the company in revenue. Ah well. The game itself actually has the ability to be really awesome with the content it has. It just seems that it's developed with only the P2P gamers in mind.
DeleteYeah, sure! If it's on Facebook, my internet should be able to handle it, haha. It'll be interesting since I've never seen Game of Thrones :p I'll definitely get on that, for sure :D
This is a pretty good summary of Wartune, but they claim that non-cashers will get everything a casher get eventually, cashers just get it faster.
ReplyDeleteAnd also nice to let us post as anonymous =)
While it's true that non-cashers will eventually be able to get most of the same benefits that cashers do, and I'll admit that the game does offer various means of obtaining Balens for free, I think the gap between cashers and non in obtaining things is far too wide to really be considered.
DeleteUnless you sign up for all of the little surveys, product offers, etc (which is far more spam and virus-prone than you'd probably be comfortable with, not to mention you're giving out your info to a -lot- of 3rd party people), by the time you get something in-game with real-life currency, the cashers will be far ahead of you and you'll still be struggling to catch up.
I understand, of course, that cashers need incentive to actually throw money at the game. I do. So it's not like I think that they should abolish the cash system or anything. I just think they need to reevaluate it a little and make it a bit more non-casher friendly.
And no problem! :) Thanks for taking the time to comment, I appreciate it :D
(sry pls delete the previous comment, i wrote on notepad, and its not properly formatted)
DeleteWow what a long reply, and believe me. I read all of it. =)
I stumbled upon this page from Google search while waiting for the next Wartune event to start and read dozens of articles on how Wartune is pay to win and not worth my time.
Yes, it is impossible for a non-casher to beat a casher who plays the same amount of time. For a non-casher like me, I can only beat casher/non-casher who
play lesser than me, and i played a pretty long time. roughly 4 months now.
Holding on the faith that ill eventually get bored of game, i never spent a dime on the game, but hundreds of hours of my precious golden youth now.
Excuse me for getting personal, but my course for Post-secondary diploma is starting next week and i have to let go of games like this: not reporting to the game like im a soldier reporting for military duty. and play only when i have finish my real life stuff, and for minutes a day for casual fun.
Now, I couldn't resist looking at ur other blog posts because of ur girly nature and found out you reviewed many games! Do you have a way to immerse yourself in the game and understand, evaluate the game and then write an honest review of the game and let the game go so easily?
~Black, again xD
I played the game for a while, and wanna no what I found? the races were unbalanced as shit. I was an archer, and I would get pwned by people of other races 4 levels under me. it was f***ing ridiculus. I quit, so, end of that misery
ReplyDeleteYeah, that was always an issue. If I remember correctly it was Knights > Archers > Mages > Knights, but if you have people who buy gear with real-life money, it doesn't matter, they usually end up beating higher levels easily. Did you upgrade your gear? That was also an issue that I experienced, where if I didn't have upgraded or gemmed stuff, I had a bad time. :p
DeleteThe reason the game has so many visits are the posters it put up on the internet You know 16+ up
ReplyDeleteOh, believe me, I know. That, Call of Roma, and a lot of games are now jumping on the sex-appeal advertisement bandwagon. It's sad that a game has to resort to sex to gain a playerbase...
DeleteHey there LMS! :D I hate how R2 runs warutne now ^_^ LOL they are so awful :D The game just makes me wanna cry ._. Chinese doing WAY better with it and lower prices T_T
ReplyDeleteAhaha, I haven't been on in, like, a year. Has it really gone that downhill? I didn't think it could get much worse! I'm sorry you're having a terrible time.. :c
DeleteHappy new year LMS :D.
ReplyDeleteI was playing this game for a month, then I say F*** this S***. Every god damn thing is a god damn cash in. I had a friend who played after me a week or so, he pay and I don't. After one week, *BOOM* he's F******* 3 times stronger than me.( Sorry for the bad placement of my sentences )
Everything that casher have massive advantage over Free players( In the battlegrounds thing)
1. Wings: Sure it's nothing much, but at lower levels they have a crazy amount of power over you.
2. V.I.P: Yes, as you said, all of those benefits.( And all of those monthly events which god horrible, now they have V.I.P only mount )
3. Gem scrolls: Your maximum *(gem)scroll lv* is 5, want 6 ? Pay for it bitch !
4. Exsclusive mounts: Sure you can get those mounts through events and shit, but the fact V.I.Ps get 2 or 3 times faster .God sometimes you don't even get the mount because you don't have the requirement *resources*( Those mounts gives you a really big status boost)
5. Sockets: At the higher levels, your gear needs.....no *MUST* be fully socket to be consinder *standard player* and of course it's in mofo shop.
6. Double skills points: It fucking doubles your skill points, it actually double the fucking skill points which give them massive MASSIVE advantage over free players.
. Not enough English speakers: It's just me, the game have too much odd language speakers( which means communication is almost useless --> can't have battle tactics ) And of course there are some of the most fluent English speakers.
And a final thoughts: Most female characters wear bikinis for god sake (I mean come on now, have respect for women people). Some of the dresses look exactly each other( lazy asses), the bikinis really emphasize the female's boobs size and some guy said they want to do *that* with those girls( I mean wtf are they thinking )
This is what I have to say.
Good night, good luck.
Happy New Year's to you, too, David!
DeleteAh, the wings and mounts actually have stats? I thought they were cosmetic items. That seems kinda lame...
But somehow, I'm not entirely surprised by all of this, man. I mean, really, if they had gone with such a heavily-dependent cash-based system early on, it figures they'd go to such extremes as the game develops.
I'd heard from other players when I had played that those who paid for items in the game became absurdly overpowered. But I didn't think the gap between free players and PTP players would be -that- large. That's insane!
As for the graphics... Yeah, I kinda saw it coming, with all of the sex appeal advertisements running around. It is rather sad that the overwhelming majority of female designs are scantily clad and look more like lingerie and less like legitimate armor. Is it fair? No, not in the slightest. But, hey, sex appeal sells, evidently. Western (particularly American, can't comment much on others) culture puts so much stress on the "ideal" female image. Women have to have their hair just so, they have to wear specific clothing, and so on in order to consider themselves and to have others consider them sexually attractive and beautiful. (Of course, this happens for guys, too, but it's a bit more apparent for females.) So the Boob Fairy wins out on this one, much like it did in Call of Roma. Sad to say, but it's true.
Thanks for the comments (and the one below, don't have much to say on it lol) and for reading! :D
And one yeah, if you pay thousands of $$ to an stupid fucking mmo buy a ps4 and play BF4( it's epic and really awesome looking game )
I would just say that, lame as Wartune can get, it's not all bad. They have actually cleaned up their act, and are, albeit slowly and sloppily, moving the game in a positive direction. While they haven't abolished the P2W model, and it is still glaringly unfair and painfully obvious, they have finally made good on their promise that F2Pers can get everything P2Wers can get, just slower, by unifying the elite currency to Balens and Bound Balens, rather than Balens and Vouchers, Bound Balens can be obtained in the same way Vouchers originally could. Bound Balens can be used to purchase almost anything regular Balens can (including wings). On top of that, on the modesty note, I have played a female mage from the very beginning, and after a while I was able to win an event clothing cosmetic item that pretty much solved the problem for me. It's still not great, but at least it's reasonable. Finally, forgive me for this but I must say it, Mages wouldn't wear armour, seriously, they just wouldn't, almost never do in any stories and don't in most people's imaginations, so anyone who thinks "mage not wearing enough armour": get over it. Mages don't do that stuff.
I'm writing this from my phone, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes. ^^;
DeleteFirst, sorry for my delay in replying to your comment. I've been rather distracted lately and I've been spacing on replying. And thank you for your comments!
The Bound Balens system sounds exactly the same as the Vouchers system, at least from how you described. So I'm not sure that's any better? I'm glad to hear that they at least are trying to make the game better.
In response to your "mages don't wear armor" comment, yes, I know mages don't wear armor. They honestly shouldn't wear armor like a melee class would. My comments are concerning the clothing styles themselves. Just because you're magical doesn't mean you need to show off your body like a stripper. A lot of other MMOs make mages more modest in appearance and that is what I want to see. If you want examples, look at Ragnarok Online's art for mages and priests; it's tasteful clothing while still being visually appealing.
Thank you for your thoughts!