I got, approximately a month ago, turtles! Three of them, actually, all super teeny. One map turtle, one yellow belly slider, and one painted turtle. I don't know how old they are, but I can assure you, they're all smaller than the palm of my hand. I named them Soldier, Spy, and Scout (from left to right in the picture) after the TF2 characters. They are all really adorable and tons of fun to watch!

Unfortunately, Soldier died last night due illness. He fought for two weeks but he wasn't eating and he was too small for the vet to give any medicines to (Yes, I did bring him in. He weighed a whopping 10 grams.) so we basically played a waiting game. We did all that we could for the little guy but, unfortunately, it just wasn't enough. I had really hoped he was starting to turn around since he had gained a lot of energy the past few days but sadly, he didn't. We buried him in the front yard. I'll eventually get a third turtle but I'm waiting out of respect for the little guy.
I've also been playing a lot of L4D2 and TF2 (it's actually consumed most of my evenings...) on top of some other work I've taken on the side. So I haven't been doing much in the way of MMOs. But I have been able to play some here and there. I played a little of Dungeon Rampage at the request of a reader (Thank you for the suggestion, by the way!) and I've been playing Ragnarok Online 2 since it became available on Steam. But I do have some thoughts on Dungeon Rampage so I decided that I probably should post a review on it at some point, because I'd been neglecting to do so for quite a while, now.