Saturday, December 11, 2010

Beginning Thoughts and Such

(Edit: I rewrote this post once I had some details worked out for this blog.)

Hey guys! Welcome to Buff Me, Bitch!, a weekly blog hosted by me, Little Miss Squish! This blog is generally MMO-related, featuring reviews, news, and opinions about the latest in the MMO world. This place will look better over time, I promise, haha. I'm planning several graphic and layout changes as well as organizational rearranging so it's sleeker and nicer.

Just a little about myself: I'm a twenty-year-old female (Yes, gamer girls exist!), interested in console games as well as MMOs. I like adventure-fantasies the most, like Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Aion and such. As I said, I'll be focusing on MMOs for this blog, so I won't really go into other types of games. What I like most about MMOs is the unique social level of the games; while you can play solo in most of them, it's often more fun and more rewarding to play in a group. Sometimes, you simply cannot get either to certain parts of a game or to better gear if you do not play with other players. That being said, I think the best times I've had are when I play with my real-life friends and we act in-character according to the person we're playing as. Hilarious times.

I chose the name "Buff Me, Bitch!" because ninety-nine percent of the time, I first play an MMO as a cleric/priestess/similar class. You know, the squishy, healing class that can help others in combat. The kind that gets spam requests from n00b players demanding buffs who get angry at you if you don't. And so the name was born. I'm not exactly a "nice" cleric, either; I don't go around buffing or healing others for no reason, or at least, not often. I don't tend to party with others a lot, either, 'cause I like soloing. I'm also not the friendliest, most saintly cleric, either. I chose the name Little Miss Squish, 'cause, well, let's face it: almost all MMOs make the priest class more or less extremely squishy (very little physical defense, for those not familiar with the term. Picture a block of tofu versus an angry mauling bear for a frame of reference). And since this blog will (try to, anyway) focus on healing class and gameplay, I figured that'd be a suitable name. :)

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